Sunday, November 9, 2008

Should we see more cards given to players at the younger ages? (u11 +)

I am starting to think ref's should give more cards at some of these games. Too many times a player does a nasty foul and just gets a talking too. What do you think?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What do you think of Futsal?

Do you like it? Do you wish there was futsal in our area? I like it. For a brief time there was a place to play futsal in Burien and my son loved it. I thought it was great fun for him and he loved using his moves and learning new ones. I like it more than indoor personally. What do you think?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

u7 playing 8v8 or 11v11? Can anything positive come from this?

Hello, my son is in an "academy" style training and week after week they throw the kids in a field the size of half a mod league field playing 8v8 or 9v9. Last week we even did 11v11 on this size of a field. I don't think there is anything good that can come out of it. I think it should be 3v3 or 4v4. What do you think?

Friday, October 17, 2008

What does your childs soccer club offer that made you decide it was where you wanted them to play soccer?

There are many select and PDL clubs in the Washington area. What about your club made you feel like it was perfect for your son or daughter? Many things come into play with different parents. Coaching, status, skill level. What was your key deciding factor. Please let me know what club you chose and your experience so far.

Friday, October 3, 2008

How young is too young for the PDL?

Does it do harm or good to offer a different avenue besides rec soccer for our young players? If we can identify young talented kids that already love the sport, and offer them quality coaching without the pressure of winning, would that be a positive or negative for youth soccer?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Should youth players be discouraged from doing big celebrations after they score?

After scoring a goal, my son did his usual celebration, the airplane. (The one where he runs with his arms out like an airplane). The referee pulled him aside and told him he shouldn't celebrate that much. I don't agree with that. I think they should be allowed to do their celebration. I thought the general rule was that they could not take off their shirts? Any thoughts?

soccer picture

Thought you might enjoy this picture....
Sophia is showing her kind and caring side while playing soccer.
P.S. no children were injured during this soccer game. :)

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