Sunday, September 7, 2008

Should youth players be discouraged from doing big celebrations after they score?

After scoring a goal, my son did his usual celebration, the airplane. (The one where he runs with his arms out like an airplane). The referee pulled him aside and told him he shouldn't celebrate that much. I don't agree with that. I think they should be allowed to do their celebration. I thought the general rule was that they could not take off their shirts? Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I believe that your child was a victim of the "every child needs to feel equal" concept. This concept has been growing like cancer in youth sports in the US. The idea that not keeping score during youth sporting events so to not hurt any players feelings and create a non competitive enviroment is completely ridiculous. My children leave soccer games at 4yrs old knowing the entire score, along with every other child on the team! I think showing enthusiasm during games is acceptable as well as needed. As a parent of two soccer playing children, I believe in teaching fairness, caring and empathy but I also think we should be teaching our children to play hard, win fair, celebrate appropriately and lose with grace. As an adult each of these skills will be needed to survive in the world. Shame on the referee who tried to squash your sons appropriate team spirit and celebration!

Unknown said...

I agree with what the other person said 100%. There is a big difference between being proud of yourself and bad sportsmanship. I think that anyone who puts the effort to work hard at something should be allowed to celebrate, they've earned it. Children need to be able to have a feeling of accomplishment and it doesn't always have to be from someone else, in fact I think that children that show pride in what they do, especially in self rewarding ways, shows that they appreciate something for it's intrinsic value and seems to me to be a sign of a self motivated child with good self esteem, qualities which will help in every aspect of life and that many people wish they could have been fortunate enough to have had.

Anonymous said...

which one of those boys are related to me? hi Kelli and family.
Aunt Joann

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